May 4, 2022

Protecting Your Organization Against Ransomware

Protecting Your Organization Against Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that can encrypt your files and hold them for ransom until you pay the attacker. A rising concern for businesses, ransomware can cripple your operations and cost you a lot of money.

Just in the last year, ransomware attacks skyrocketed by 92.7%. While this is a sobering statistic, there are still practices organizations can use to combat bad actors and protect their data. 

In this blog post, we will discuss some basic tips for ransomware prevention. By following these tips, you can help protect your organization from ransomware attacks.

What is Ransomware and How Does It Work?

Ransomware is a cybersecurity attack that encrypts your files and holds them hostage until you pay the hackers. Ransomware can severely impact organizations since it might paralyze their operations and cost a lot of money.

Essentially, ransomware enters your system through email or an infected website. The ransomware will then encrypt your files and demand a ransom payment in order to decrypt them.

Ransomware is also delivered through "phishing" attacks. In a phishing attack, the attacker will send you an email that looks legitimate but contains a malicious link or attachment. If you click on the link or open the attachment, ransomware will be installed on your system.

How Can I Protect My Business?

  • Keep your operating system and software up to date. Ransomware attacks often exploit known vulnerabilities in software. By keeping your software up to date, you can reduce your risk of being attacked.

  • Partner with professional cybersecurity experts. They can help you implement ransomware prevention measures, and they can also help you respond to ransomware attacks if they occur.

  • Use strong passwords and keep them confidential. Ransomware attackers often try to brute force their way into systems by guessing passwords. Using strong passwords and keeping them confidential can make it more difficult for ransomware attackers to gain access to your system.

  • Use a malware protection solution. Ransomware is often delivered through malicious email attachments or links. Using a malware protection solution can help protect your organization from ransomware attacks.

  • Back up your data regularly. Ransomware can encrypt your files and make them inaccessible. By regularly backing up your data, you can ensure that you will not lose your data in a ransomware attack.

  • Keep your employees informed about ransomware. Negligent employees pose a serious risk to your organization. Keep your employees informed about ransomware through regular security awareness training.

How do I Respond to a Ransomware Attack?

If you are a victim of a ransomware attack, the first thing you should do is disconnect your computer from the network. This will help prevent the ransomware from spreading to other computers on your network.

Next, you should report the ransomware attack to your cybersecurity provider. They can help you investigate the attack and ransomware and help you develop a plan to respond. 

Finally, you should retrieve your data from backups. This will restore your files to their pre-ransomware state.

Partner with Tekscape for Ransomware Prevention

Ransomware attacks are a severe threat to businesses. By following these tips, you can help protect your organization from ransomware attacks.

To learn more about how to protect your business data from cybersecurity threats, reach out to a cybersecurity expert from Tekscape.

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